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New Born | Post Partum Psychosis | How to Handle New Born?

Dr. Bindu Kapoor

Consultant Psychologist

Published 27 Feb, 2018
how to handle new born

As the tiny life lies in your arms, all you and everyone around you would tell you is about how to feed, change the diaper, cloth your baby nice and warm, and many more. Unknown to you, your baby has started communicating with you, crying. It would take you a few days to understand why she is crying, is it for discomfort, hunger, wet diaper, change in temperature. You have started talking to him/her in Baby Talks making him/her feel assured by the tone and warmth in your voice. 

There are a few typical developmental behaviors that you would see in a newborn like keeps hands fisted, jerks body in response to reflexive impulses, sleeps 16 to 18 hours of the day, blinks at a bright light, can distinguish mother's voice from the voice of other women, relaxes to soft singing, humming and gentle rocking and Will suck when the inner part of the lip is touched.

They respond more to the soft, higher-pitched voice of women rather than to lower-pitched men's voices.

Things that You Can do to Help Your Baby Enjoy the First Few Days:

A baby sleeping on the chest of his father

  1. Use sheets with bright colors and bold patterns to stimulate baby vision.
  2. You should spend time with your child cuddling, singing, and playing. Shake a rattle near one side of the baby's head. Then shake it on the other side.
  3. Eventually, the baby will search for the sound with his or her eyes.
  4. Hang a wind chime/mobile above the baby's crib. He /she will enjoy listening to the melodious sounds it makes as you gently move the chime.
  5. Hold the baby on your left side. Because there is our heartbeat and Baby feels comfortable with it.
  6. Gentle voices and sounds will soothe the baby, as well as soft stroking or caressing which may simulate the feeling of the fluid that surrounds the baby in the womb.
  7. If you move around the room, hold your baby on your shoulder. Do something interesting that will make the baby look at your side and be happy.
  8. Play music (devotional/classical/instrumental, your choice) near the crib/bed.
  9. Tell baby stories on a regular basis. Baby will not understand what you are saying, but he or she will sense the warmth of your touch and the comforting tone of your voice.
  10. Spend many moments holding and rocking the baby while singing a song. Softly whisper in his/her ear. These actions give the baby a sense of love and trust.

Play Ideas for Newborn:

There has been researched that early stimulation brings about changes in the brain. The stimulation can be in various ways sound (noise makers, mothers voice), touch (feel of different fabric/ mothers touch), and vision (visual stimulation cards).

1. Visual Stimulation Cards

Studies indicated that newborns are unable to see in color until sometime between the ages of 3 to 5 months. Newborns can, however, distinguish between the brightness of colors. Bold colors and sharp dark - light contrasts attract their attention more quickly than pastel colors. Studies also show that newborns can differentiate between shapes and patterns. 

You can download the free printable visual Stimulation Cards. Take a printout and laminate them. Keep a few near the bed/cot, DIY mobile, near the diaper changing area, on the wall during tummy time? Do change the cards every week

2. Talk to your baby

A lil baby sleeping with her sister

It is important that you make eye contact and talk to your baby. Imitate the sounds that your baby does. Smile, open your eyes wide, make a facial expression, and talk using baby talk. 

Research has also shown that it is very important to talk to your baby on a regular basis. It has been said, the greater the number of words children (hear) from their parents or caregivers the higher their IQ and the better they (do) in school. You can also sing rhymes with action: Pat-a-Cake, Wheels of the Bus, if you are happy and you know it claps your hand, Itsy bitsy spider, wind the bobbin up.

3. Reading

Sure you would have started reading when you were pregnant. Do continue that. They will enjoy the varying tone and pitch in your voice. If you have an older kid, this is a great activity to involve them.

4. Touch and feel

You can carry your baby in your wrap, so he or she can feel the warmth of your body. You can make a few pieces of various fabrics like silk, wool, cotton, and jeans and gently rub on your baby’s palm as you talk about the texture and color. You can also give him/her baby safe toys for them to hold on to.

5. Tummy Time

Tummy time is important and this lays the foundation for the later motor milestones that your baby will develop during the first year skills such as rolling, pushing her chest off the ground, sitting, crawling, cruising, and walking.

(Be aware of overstimulation. Action such as yawning, arching the back maybe signals from baby meaning he or she needs to rest calmly for a while)

Now that we know a lot more about babies or at least our baby” we know not to expect a lot of interaction from a newborn. But that doesn't mean playing with your brand-new baby isn't important. From day one, your baby's interested in what's going on around him. 

Deep in his head, there's a lot going on. Connections are being made and information is being sorted and categorized. Playing games helps fit the puzzle pieces together as your baby grows, play is crucial for his social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development. The play also brings you and your baby closer and makes your time together that much more enjoyable.

How to Flip Baby with Clothes? 

2 babies sitting on the bed wearing cute dresses

  1. First of all, spread a thick towel, and turn one corner of it slightly upwards.
  2. After that let your child lie there.
  3. After that, you have to put both side dresses on the baby.
  4. Remember, do not tie the clothes too tight as it will make it difficult to spread the baby's legs and will also cause breathing.
  5. Wrapping in clothes should only be done for children less than 2 months.

What to do and what not to do while changing diapers 

As per your wish and convenience, you can use a cloth or disposable diapers for diapers.

  1. A clean diaper or clean folded cloth.
  2. Diaper ointment.
  3. Lukewarm water.
  4. Clean cloth to wipe.
  5. Cotton
  6. Once the diaper is dirty, open the diaper. After that, put your baby upside down and put the cotton in the lukewarm water and clean the bottom of the baby carefully and wipe it dry with a dry cloth.

The skin becomes red due to diapers, so it is necessary to apply diaper ointment. Also, you can use antibacterial powder. If the Diaper Rash is not reduced or the skin looks red, contact your nearest pediatrician immediately.


As a new Born Baby, your responsibilities increase. You have to accept that As soon as your life changes after marriage, in the same way when a little guest comes into your life, then the responsibility of both of you increases even .more. Must remember that You have to take care of Your baby until he/ she grows


Dr. Bindu Kapoor

Consultant Psychologist

location Delhi, India
star 250+ 5 Star Reviews
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