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How To Stop Masturbating. How to Stop Watching Porn

Dr. Anisha Seeniraj

Counselor, Relationship Counselor

Published 8 Oct, 2023
how to stop masturbating

Do you often find yourself touching sensitive areas of your body which gives you a different stimulation, a feeling that electricity went through your body, where you feel a distinct pleasure, especially when you touch your genitals? This stimulation which your body gets that gives ejaculation and provides you pleasure is called masturbation. Though there is no wrong with masturbation, excessive is harmful. We will, through this article, tell you how to stop masturbating. There are different ways to avoid masturbation addiction which we will be telling you about in this article. Often one masturbates while watching porn but what to do to avoid porn? All of this will be talked about.

What Does Addiction Give?

There are many causes of masturbation. It gives you pleasure, and self-satisfaction, and releases stress. The masturbation addiction comes from watching porn or performing masturbation regularly. When you regularly watch porn and masturbate, you get the habit of masturbating. This releases semen. The release of semen, causes the brain to release Dopamine and other hormones which results in providing you pleasure, happiness, sleep, stress relief, other pleasures, and joy. This makes the person abandon the others and the world and spend much time watching porn and masturbating. Though it seems that it provides pleasure, there are many side effects of masturbation as well. Therefore you must know the ways to avoid masturbation addiction. In the upcoming section, we will tell you how to stop masturbating.

The side effects of masturbation are that at first, it gives pleasure but later it results in body and mind weakness, time-killing, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, quick ejaculation when seeing someone or something, fatigue, and many more. Therefore knowing the tips to stop masturbation addiction is necessary. But what to do to avoid porn? In the next section, we will tell you about the tips to overcome porn addiction and stop masturbating. Though it is more difficult than said, learning how to stop watching porn and thus controlling the urge to masturbate is important not only for physical health but also for mental and emotional health.


How to Stop Masturbation

Addiction to anything is harmful to not only our bodies but also to our lifestyles. Knowing how to stop masturbating is essential to avoid the side effects of masturbation. Adapting to any addiction is very easy, however, getting rid of it is the most difficult task to do. One does not get addicted in a few minutes but it develops over time and therefore it requires patience, and determination to be able to overcome it. There are many ways of how to stop Masturbating while watching porn. We will be telling some of the most important yet simple ways of how to stop watching porn and overcome the addiction of masturbation.

1. Avoid Touching Your Genitals

One of the most important and foremost ways to avoid masturbation addiction is to avoid touching your genitals. Prohibiting yourself from touching your genitals can cause stress and anxiety at the beginning. You can take anxiety counseling to help yourself deal with the anxiety and panic that build up while prohibiting yourself from touching your genitals. It is one of the tips to stop masturbating. Make your willpower strong enough to control your hands from reaching the genitals. Try to be around people to avoid the urge of touching your genitals. You first have to conquer the urge to stimulate your genitals.

2. Make Yourself Busy When You Have An Urge

Make Yourself Busy

Just as said earlier it is very easy to get the addiction but difficult to overcome it, similarly conquering the urge to masturbate is difficult. If you think about what to do to avoid porn, then one thing you can do is to make yourself busy. Whenever you have the earth to masturbate or touch or genitals stimulate your body or get sexual arousal you must make yourself busy. Get yourself some tasks and try to keep yourself busy in those hours when you have the urge to masturbate. When you start making yourself busy gradually your body adapts to the changes and the earth to masturbate decreases automatically.

3. Sleep Early And Wake Up Early

Sleep Early

One of the tips to stop masturbating is to start waking up early and sleeping early. Keep your routine tight and do physical exercises. There are many night time meditation benefits that will help you calm down and sleep peacefully. This is considered among important tips to overcome porn addiction. When you sleep late, especially when all others have already slept, you get the alone time when you masturbate and when you wake up late, others have already woken up and gone to work, so, again you get the alone time where you masturbate. Therefore fixing your schedule and sleeping and waking up early will help you control the urge to masturbate. Also, start exercising as it will help you to control the urge and help you maintain your determination.

4. Self-determination is Important

Self-determination is Important

one of the most important ways of how to stop watching porn is self-determination. No matter how much therapy or how many medicines you take, the power of will and self-determination cannot be underestimated. Being self-determined is one of the habits that will change your life. Masturbation can only be stopped when you have the determination to do so. Avoiding touching your genitals, keeping yourself busy or prohibiting yourself from masturbating or stimulating your body for pleasure only comes true when you are self-determined. It is the only key to overcome any addiction.

5. Spend Time With Friends And Family

Spend Time With Friends

There are many causes of masturbation and one of them is being alone. One can masturbate only when they are alone. Therefore, to overcome the urge of masturbation, you should stop spending time alone. This is one of the tips to overcome porn addiction. Start spending time with your friends and family. Whenever you find yourself alone, try to move around and have conversations with your family. It may be difficult but determination is important. This will not only help you overcome the urge to masturbate but also help you improve your relationship with your family and friends.


6. Avoid Reading or Searching About Porn or Masturbation

Another way how to stop watching porn is to avoid reading, seeing, or hearing anything related to porn, masturbation, or anything that can stimulate your body. The habit of masturbation sticks from childhood, knowing what to do if your child is caught watching porn can be effective in not letting the addiction develop. There are many harmful effects of masturbation therefore until you have control over yourself, avoid having the sight or reading things that can urge you to masturbate. Many times people watch porn or read certain stimulating erotic texts which cause ejaculation and the urge to masturbate therefore try not to access and do internet surfing of such content. But all of these require self-determination, without it, there are rare chances that you can overcome the addiction to masturbation.

7. Take Therapies

Take Therapies

Among other tips to overcome porn addiction, one is to take addiction counseling or therapy sessions. When you don't know what to do to avoid porn and nothing works then you should consider going to a therapist. They will help you overcome the diction of masturbation by guiding you and helping you control your urge. The counselor will help you shift your focus again to your work or get productive. It can take some time, however with daily practice you can overcome it. Taking therapy will help you not only overcome masturbation addictions but also help you deal with the stress and tension that build up while doing so.



By now we must have got the idea of how to stop masturbating. There are many causes of masturbation. It gives you pleasure, helps you release stress, makes you feel joyful, etc, however, there are many disadvantages of masturbation as well. It leads to weakening of the body, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, and many more. You can use the erection combo by Nature Mania to resolve issues like erectile dysfunction, low sperm count, etc. Further, you must know the tips to stop masturbating. You should have a good deal of self-determination in you. Avoid touching your genitals, keep yourself busy and surround yourself with family and friends so that it stops you from masturbation. You can also go for therapy to overcome the addiction of masturbation. These are some of the tips to overcome masturbation.

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