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Blogs / Narcissistic Personality Disorder

How to Identify a Narcissistic Person - Narcissistic Personality Disorder Behaviors

Dr. Ridhima Jain

Psychologist, Child Psychologist, Counseling Psychologist

Published 21 Sep, 2022
Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Know someone who thinks they’re better than everyone else but flies off the handle at the slightest criticism and is not really keen on learning how to handle criticism? We bring today’s article to help you spot narcissistic personality disorder traits and deal with a narcissist.

What is Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

NPD, one of many personality disorders, is characterized by narcissistic behavior. An inflated sense of self and a strong desire for attention from others are a few common narcissistic personality disorder behaviors.

Although it's common for people to occasionally be conceited and boastful, real narcissists go above and beyond. They disregard other people's needs and don't respect their feelings or views.

The term "narcissist" is used to describe someone who is very self-absorbed, however, there is a distinction between this and narcissistic personality disorder symptoms. It's important to keep in mind that NDP is still a form of mental disorder and the term shouldn't be used carelessly. Help the people fighting with this disorder by identifying narcissistic personality disorder traits and talking to them about online counseling and asking for help when needed because as tough as it might seem at the moment, there are people who can help you win this battle and say goodbye to narcissistic personality disorder behaviors.

Even when their actions are causing them problems, those with narcissistic personality disorder symptoms are very resistant to altering their behavior. They frequently place the blame elsewhere. Furthermore, because of their high level of sensitivity, they take offense at even the smallest comments, arguments, or perceived slights since they see them as personal attacks and are not capable of understanding how to handle criticism. It's frequently simpler for the individuals in the narcissist's life to simply comply with their demands in order to avoid indifference and rages. But by learning further about narcissistic personality disorder traits, you'll be able to identify narcissists in your life, defend yourself from their power struggles, and set up better boundaries.

What Are The Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Lack of self-esteem may be a symptom of NPD. Perhaps sentiments of entitlement are more closely tied to their NPD. A therapist and even online counseling can resolve the issue.
You can tell whether someone is self-absorbed if you can spot a couple of the characteristics listed below. It's possible they have the disorder if they exhibit the majority of these narcissistic personality disorder symptoms.

  • Someone who suffers from a narcissistic personality disorder may: 
  • Frequently upset other people
  • Struggle to maintain relationships and don’t know how to make friends
  • Placing oneself foremost
  • They believe they know what is "right."
  • Most of the time, they are thinking and talk about themselves.
  • The desire for attention and praise
  • Exaggerate their skills and accomplishments
  • They think they're special
  • Set improbable targets
  • Have rapid, erratic mood swings
  • Having trouble taking others' emotions seriously
  • Win at any costs; strive for victory
  • Imagine a life of unending power, wealth, and achievement.

life of unending power

Numerous aspects of life and personal relationships are impacted by narcissistic personality disorder behaviors. Many of these interpersonal problems are brought on by narcissistic personality disorder symptoms, such as:

  • Easily hurt
  • Overreacts
  • Unable to comprehend how to handle criticism or accept it
  • Refuses to take responsibility for their own shortcomings or failings
  • Refuses to accept responsibility
  • Attempts to influence or control people
  • Hypercompetitive
  • Associates only with those they perceive to be "on their level"
  • Reacts irrationally
  • Criticizes others
  • Neglectful of emotions
  • Don't listen and frequently interrupts

How Can This Disorder Be Treated ?

Talk therapy sometimes referred to as psychotherapy, is the crucial and best treatment for narcissistic personality disorder.

 treatment for narcissistic personality disorder

If the narcissistic personality disorder symptoms combine with depression or another mental health issue, you may need to take medication to treat the other condition. To treat NPD, there are no drugs on the market. 

1. Psychotherapy

You can improve your interpersonal skills through psychotherapy, which will make it possible for you to have more fulfilling, satisfying relationships with others. Having pleasant relations and knowing how to make friends with others can significantly enhance a number of aspects of your life.

You can learn how to:

  • Increase cooperation with your peers and coworkers
  • Uphold personal connections and learn how to improve emotional quotient.
  • Recognize your abilities and potential so you can withstand criticism or failure.
  • Practice self-growth
  • Acknowledge your feelings and regulate them.
  • Manage any concerns with your own self-worth.
  • Set yourself up for success with attainable objectives.

It may take various years of therapy because personality traits can be challenging to alter. You can start to feel like therapy is a waste of time at this point and be inclined to stop. However, it's crucial to persevere. Attend every session of therapy, and take your meds as prescribed as these are the best treatment for narcissistic personality disorder. You might notice a change in yourself and your interactions with others over time.

2. Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle Changes

You may benefit from making the following lifestyle adjustments as you pursue therapy:

  • Refrain from using substances that could cause negative conduct.
  • Choose healthy habits and practice them regularly.
  • Take part in relaxation exercises like yoga and morning meditation to help you feel less stressed and anxious.


Most NPD sufferers are reluctant to acknowledge they have a problem and are even more unwilling to seek help because of the very nature of the condition. Narcissistic personality disorder behaviors can be exceedingly difficult to treat, even when they do. However, that does not imply that there is no hope or that changes cannot be made. Drugs such as mood stabilizers, antidepressants, and antipsychotics may be prescribed if your NPD co-occurs with another disorder or if your narcissistic personality disorder symptoms are severe. However, psychotherapy is the main mode of treatment in the majority of situations.

You can gain a better sense of perspective, a better sense of context, and the ability to create healthier relationships by working with a qualified therapist to learn to take responsibility for your actions. Learning how to improve emotional quotient is another approach (EQ). To empathize with people, communicate clearly, and forge long-lasting connections, you need to have emotional intelligence (EQ), which is the capacity to recognize, use, and regulate your feelings in constructive ways. Importantly, anyone can learn the abilities that comprise emotional intelligence. With the help of the tips given above and the right treatment at the right time, you can fight this challenging disorder and practice self-growth for a happier and positive future.


1. What factors contribute to narcissism in people?

Genetics may also be a component in the development of NPD, while upbringing and the environment of childhood may be important contributors. A complex personality disease that is sometimes misinterpreted is narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). If you or your loved ones exhibit any narcissistic personality disorder symptoms then contact your health care provider right away.

2. When you don't care about them, how do narcissists respond?

Narcissists demand almost constant admiration, validation, and even blind obedience in some cases. When you don't pay attention to them, they'll frequently become quite brittle and react in a variety of negative narcissistic personality disorder traits, including fury, pettiness, and insults, and may even attempt to undermine you.

3. Can narcissists truly love?

Narcissists may act and exhibit love in ways that are kind to you, but these actions and displays of love frequently come with conditions that are based on what you are able to give them in return. Relationships for those with NPD frequently revolve around business. Love isn't egotistical, arrogant, boastful, opportunistic, or envious.

4. Is narcissism a mental disorder?

Yes. Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), one of several personality disorders listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V), is described as a mental illness that is characterized by narcissistic personality disorder symptoms such as a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, a desire for adulation, and a lack of empathy.

5. Can a narcissist possibly change?

Yes. Some change may take place in a narcissist if they are willing to actively engage in therapy, understand their behavior is hurtful to both themselves and others, practice self-growth, and want to change. The possibility of change is directly inversely correlated with the narcissist's willingness and capacity for change. And remember change starts from the smallest of things such as actively practicing morning meditation or being mindful of others’ feelings.

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