10 Reasons Why Lying To Your Partner Is ...
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Although it may not seem like a big deal, lying to your partner can have serious cons...
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Stress is not only associated with Patients with mental illness but it is also associated with our everyday life.
First, we will discuss what stress is?
Stress is a bodily reaction to any situation which is perceived as threatening, dangerous to our own self. Our own perception plays a crucial role to make a situation stressful. Our bodily reactions can be physical (muscle tension, headache, stomach upset); emotional (anger, anxiety over trivial issues) and behavioural reactions include difficulty in concentrating, losing interest in work, fatigue, etc.
Stress has become increasingly common in organizations, largely because individuals experience increased job complexity and increased economic pressure. In exploring the causes of stress, it is important that a clear distinction be made between stress and the stressor (the source of stress).
It is confusing and technically incorrect to speak about stressful situations though anyone placed in that situation would experience stress. For understanding, stressors are divided into 2 types.
People who are ambitious and highly motivated to achieve are more likely to experience stress than those who are content with their career status.
It is the second major source of stress, especially in work environments that are difficult and psychologically demanding.
These demands are more or less stressful, depending on their compatibility with the person's work and family life and their capacity to provide alternative satisfaction for the person. (I use work-related situations; just for example).
It is believed that there are a lot of symptoms to be seen from stress. You can easily identify Stress Symptoms.
Types Of Stress:
Mainly 3 types of Stress are there: These are the following:
Imagine a situation, where you need not wake up early in the morning, need not go to work, you have to just sit idle on your bed. And eating your breakfast and enjoying your day and night, after some time boredom will affect you. I am attaching a diagram that indicates the relationship between the amount of stress and the level of one’s performance.
So the relationship between stress and performance can be described by the inverted shaped curve. Everyone needs a certain amount of stress to deliver performance, for example- if a student has no strive for a good result, he/she will not give any effort in his/her study. Everyone has an optimum point where their performance is the best, but if stress increases beyond that point, the performance will start dipping.
So, where the stress level and performance are directly proportional, that is called EUSTRESS and the opposite side is called DISTRESS where our performance and stress are inversely proportional, For example- imagine a student has the potential to get 70-75% marks in the examination if he/she has a strive for 80% marks, that can be achievable and that goal helps him/her to get a better result (eustress) but the same student set a goal to get 95% marks, that is an unrealistic goal which may lead him/her to distress.
(Recommendation: How To Overcome Exam Stress)
Teaching is becoming more challenging as a profession of the most significant and visible profession in the world. Mature and organized work makes teaching decently difficult. They face many challenges and opportunities from increasingly diverse and needy student populations.
As we can see today’s life is full of challenges. A Teacher needs to use a lot of energy in her daily chores in the classroom. A teacher must be over his clear role to build up the nation. Teachers are overburdened with the regular teaching load. Occupational satisfaction is a necessary condition for the healthy growth of a teacher’s personality.
The best way to have stress identified easily is to remain active in his social circle and readily accept any recent psychological or behavioural changes observed by stress in the group and family.
Any change in these should be noted and necessary remedial measures are taken immediately to overcome this situation. Self-analyzing will help you to identify your stress or which can be useful for determining your own mental state.
Another way is to maintain close relations with other members of the faculty that are likely to create stress for the Teachers, office politics, the burden of work, demotivation, monotony. This is one way to identify the issue which is likely to become the cause of stress beforehand.
Feeling of being used or manipulated, lack of flexibility in times of need, lack of support from management, etc. are some of the major stressors in a Teacher’s Life
(Recommendation: Help A Friend in Stress)
From the outside teaching seems all together with a dissident job with some vacations. But considering everything that a teacher has to go through every day.
It is very important for a teacher to have a hobby that is totally different from what he/she teaches at school. Music, Gardening, Liking and Painting are a few examples of hobbies that they may adopt. These can give them the outlet and take their minds off from the problems that they face at school. This is one way of getting the days to stress from their minds.
It is very important to maintain a healthy lifestyle for healthy living follow the followings instructions:-
At last, I am going to tell You that Stress is very harmful to your mind and health. So, You don’t have to take STress in your life, Stay happy in every situation and live your life with happy moments. I hope you liked this article and If You want to get help from a psychologist in India, then You can visit My Fit Brain.
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About Author
Dipanwita Sil
Counseling Psychologist Kolkata, IndiaOnline
English, Hindi, Bengali
Child Counseling, Deaddiction, Parenting, Sleep, Work Stress