
What is Clinomania? Personality Disorder

Clinomania is defined as an obsession to want to stay in bed all the time. If a person has the constant desire of wanting to sleep or stay in bed, then the person is said to suffer from clinomania. Let's know what is clinomnia by our expert psychologists.

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What is Clinomania? Personality Disorder

Is getting up from bed in the morning a real effort? In this case, you may have clinomania, a condition also called Dysania, which causes people to stay in bed all day. 

This is not the normal morning reluctance to get up, it is a disorder that has nothing to do with laziness, being drowsy, and even with fatigue syndrome chronic. For those suffering from clinomania, blankets become a real refuge from reality, a way to escape responsibility, to stay away from the outside world. 

Clinomania, which is not medically recognized, can, therefore, be defined as a chronic inability to get out of bed. But let's find out more.

Causes, Symptoms, and who are the Most Exposed Subjects of Clinomania?

Clinomania, therefore, forces us to stay in bed, not because we need to sleep more, but because the blankets become a kind of womb, in which we feel safe and protected. A non-pathological form of clinomania can be found in up to 70% of people who have suffered during their life as a result of stressful situations, without it becoming chronic. 

However, if the desire not to get out of bed is so strong that it interferes with the normal course of daily life, it must be recognized that this is a problem to be resolved. Clinomania can arise from a state of high anxiety and the causes can be different: it can appear if you suffer from postpartum depression, a condition that often regenerates new mothers and which must be followed by a specialist. 

Other causes are psychological: low self-esteem, fear of social relationships, fear of failure. Often, therefore, clinomania can be a symptom of depression, associated with phobias and hypochondria. The people most exposed to clinomania are therefore those who suffer from depression and those who tend to be anxious.

Consequences for our psychophysical well-being

It is important to understand the causes that triggered clinomania to resolve the problem. It is that could have non-positive consequences for our psychophysical well-being. Always being in bed means not being exposed to the sun, which is fundamental to regulating the circadian rhythm of sleep. Besides, artificial lights and electronic devices increase the risk of anxiety, sleep disturbances, and depression. 

Staying closed at all times, taking refuge especially in the virtual world, can, therefore, lead to problems related to our social and relational life.

How to get out of it by changing your habits?

If you have an early stage of clinomania, then you do not need to go to a psychotherapist or any counselor you can get rid of this problem on your own in the beginning. Or your family and friends will help you, you always have to be positive.

You have to be connected with Motivation Books, Stories or any such person at all times, Motivate and Inspire, or you always get rid of this problem by listening to Motivational talks...

If clinomania becomes chronic, it is essential to turn to a professional to begin a psychotherapy journey, to establish the best cure. In the case of depression, the specialist can also resort to the help of medication. If, on the other hand, you suffer from a non-pathological form, linked to particularly stressful periods, then there are strategies to put in place: first, to change your sleeping habits. It is therefore essential to regulate the amount of sleep: the ideal would be 6 to 9 hours per night. 

Relaxation is also important: treat yourself to a warm bath before going to bed, drink a relaxing herbal tea, or do light yoga exercises. To help get a good rest and cool off in the morning, don't use a computer, tablet, or Smartphone in bed and, if you can, don't keep them in the bedroom. Healthy sexual activity also helps you rest well.

Recommended: Book an online psychologist for consultation, If You have Clinomania.

How do you know, if you have clinomania?

Wanting to stay late or waking up in a bad mood when the alarm rings because we would like to be in bed all day without doing anything does not automatically mean that we suffer from clinomania. 

It is normal for our rhythm of life to generate the desire to take a day off and to wander in bed to recharge the batteries. The problem comes when it becomes an obsession and affects your professional, social, or family life. So when should you worry?

When our leisure and free time is limited to staying in bed. We don't go out, we don't meet anyone. We just spend all our time in bed, without getting up except to go to the bathroom. When we start to be obsessed with everything about the bed: sheets, pillows, cushions... and we can't get out of our head the desire to stay in bed. When we get sad with sunny days or with family and happy meetings when it rains, snows or it is very cold. 

This change of mood is because weather forces us to get out of bed and that bad weather is a perfect excuse to spend several days indoors, without having to communicate with someone to explain to him why we want to lie down all the time. Like any anxiety disorder, clinomania often requires psychological treatment to alleviate symptoms. In the most severe cases, medication prescribed by a doctor will also be necessary.

The main objective of mental health specialists is to allow patients suffering from this problem to return to their former life, that is to say, to be able to work, study, attend meetings or lead a normal life outside bed. These professionals further point out that lifestyle change can also help reduce this obsession. Therefore, forcing patients out of their homes to exercise is also a way to change that person's behavior and gradually reduce their obsession.

Recommended Read: How food affects your mood?

How is Clinomania Related to Depression?

You can say that depression is related to clinomania ie dystonia because the patient of clinomania has a lot of lack of motivation and inspiration, so he likes to spend the whole day in bed and the person in depression will also always like to be alone?

A person with depression would prefer to sleep mostly in that situation or to lie on the bed, so you can say that depression is quite co-related to clinomania.

Psychological factors affecting other medical conditions:

Psychological factors affecting medical pathologies are implicated when psychological or behavioral factors negatively affect the course of existing pathology. 

Patients have one or more clinically significant psychological or behavioral factors that destabilize an existing medical condition or worsen a symptom. These factors can increase the risk of suffering, death, or disability; worsen an underlying medical condition; or result in hospitalization or emergency room visits. 

Abnormal psychological or behavioral responses to a condition that does not affect medical outcomes are considered an adjustment disorder.

  1. Psychological or behavioral factors that can negatively affect a medical disorder include.
  2. Denial of the importance or severity of symptoms.
  3. Poor adherence to prescribed screening and treatment.
  4. Patients may present with treatment failures or worsening of medical conditions associated with stress.
  5. Patient education and psychotherapeutic intervention can be helpful.
  6. Psychiatry is the branch of medicine that describes and treats mental illness.
  7. Medical psychology tries to understand the functioning of the human psyche in the face of illness, the patient, and the doctor. The field of this discipline is, therefore, both broader and different.
  8. Psychopathology is the study of the abnormal behavior of the human mind. As such, it is part of medical psychology and part of psychiatry.
  9. Psychosomatic medicine.
  10. There is far from agreement on the definition of psychosomatic medicine.
  11. In its strictest sense, it is the study of the process which starts from the psychic to arrive at the somatic.
  12. In a way, psychosomatics deals with organic diseases whose origin is psychological.
  13. Psychosomatic illnesses are thus somatic affections, the occurrence and course of which can be linked in part to unconscious mental disorders.

These are essentially asthma, eczema, ulcerative colitis, certain arterial hypertension. The causes of these diseases are multiple, but, each time, one psychological factor, among others, can be blamed.


Psychiatry is the medicine of the mind. For Perlemuter, psychiatry is the medical specialty that is interested in pathological modifications of cognitive and integrative activity of the brain, thyme or mood and affectivity. 

It takes care not only of intellectual and character disorders. the individual but also the disruption of the relationships he establishes with those around him.

Psychiatric exam

The psychiatric examination is special because it often addresses a patient who does not know he is sick. The doctor is faced with a triple problem. Make the diagnosis of psychiatric disorder; Appreciate the social and family repercussions of the disorder; Make the patient accept treatment sometimes against their will. The interrogation is the essential moment.

When the patient comes to consult on his own, the psychiatrist seeks to define the symptoms which motivated the consultation: their permanent or intermittent nature, the existence of identical history, etc. 

Sometimes the patient consults for somatic symptoms and the doctor will diagnose a psychological disorder but will sometimes have difficulty accepting it. Other times, the patient consults, persuaded to be normal, oblivious to his troubles, pushed to the limit by his relational difficulties with those around him.

The psychiatrist must then locate the character structure of the patient: anxiety, dependency relationship with those around him, emotional immaturity, sensitivity to neurotic frustrations. The emotional withdrawal, the disinterest, for example, evokes a schizophrenic dissociation. A paranoid structure is recognized before the rigor of the lifestyle, obedience to strict rules, the attitude of mistrust. 

Myth maniac tendencies are recognized in the face of overlapping difficulties, the tendency to minimize problems, and play prestigious roles.

The relational implications must be assessed

When the patient is seen by our online psychiatrists at the request of the entourage, the patient's approach is different and requires a lot of skill. Often the patient denies and disputes the description of the disorders which are made. During this consultation, the doctor analyzes the patient's behavior: agitation, depression, bizarre behavior evoking a psychosis.

Shyness evokes a neurotic inhibition; the hysteric adopts an attitude of seduction. Difficulty in contacting raises fears of early schizophrenia. The paranoid is psycho rigid: he brings his medical file, takes notes, etc. Appropriate behavior is in favor of neurosis. Additional examinations and analyzes. They confirm the diagnosis of psychiatric disorders by the very fact of their negativity, in particular with regard to electroencephalogram (EEG), brain scan, and magnetic resonance imaging.

Psychological tests are very important

Psychometric tests provide information on the intellectual level; Projective tests make it possible to establish a psychological profile (character traits), specify the importance of neurotic anxiety or confirm the diagnosis of psychosis.

Infographic of 7 Signs And Symptoms of Clinomania:

7 Signs And Symptoms of Clinomania:

Wherever we talk about this problem, the name of the license will always come first, but laziness is different from this problem because laziness occurs sometimes, Although if you have this problem then it will be with you every day, no matter what. 

Some symptoms of Clinomania:

  1. First of all, if we talk about the winter season, it always happens that as soon as you wake up, you feel like sleeping again. But if you always feel like sleeping again, then you can understand that you can have this problem.
  2. In the future, there will be a time when someone asks you what your hobbies are, then you automatically add sleeping to your hobbies.
  3. You will fall in love with the bed so much that you would like to do all day routine work in bed like eating, reading, watching TV.
  4. You will get so used to the bed that you will keep thinking about it throughout the day.
  5. In the day you will feel the best when after work you will go back to your bed to rest for a while.
  6. You would love to spend the most time in bed because you feel good enough to sleep cuddled up in the bed.
  7. You would prefer to be wrapped in your bed better than going on a date with someone outside.

Final Words:

If You have Clinomania then you don't need to be worried. You have to be active in your daily life and try to understand your responsibility. You have to wake up early and do your work properly. If you want to know more about Clinomania then you can consult the best therapists in India.

About Author
Dr. Neha Mehta

Dr. Neha Mehta

Consultant Psychologist Hisar, India
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Dr. Neha Mehta

Dr. Neha Mehta

Consultant Psychologist, Clinical Psychologist Hisar, India

Area Of Expertise : Child Counseling, Couple Counseling, Marital Counselling, Parenting, Self Improvement, Sleep, IQ Testing, ADHD, Adolescent Counselling, Stress Mgt.

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