
Best Guide for Career as a Counseling Psychologists | My Fit Brain

Are you curious about becoming a counseling psychologist? Read this article to learn more about the career as counseling psychologist.

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Counseling  Psychologists

Counseling Psychologists assist people to deal with the challenges preventing them from living a peaceful life. Irrespective of age group and social status, they enable people to handle emotional, social, academic, interpersonal, career, developmental, and health issues.

Well, Counselling psychologists practice based on counseling psychology, a subfield of applied psychology.

What is a Counselling Psychologist?

These psychologists are responsible to provide psychotherapy to people with psychological disturbances, behavioral problems, emotional difficulties, stress, and related issues. Their ropes are quite similar to that of a clinical psychologist.

Counseling psychologists are ready to resolve issues associated with the counseling process and result. In simple words, counseling psychology covers a broad domain of professional psychology. It specifically works on the emotional, social, and physical health difficulties that can hamper a person's overall growth. Counseling Psychologists deal with Emotional feelings.

What does a Counselling Psychologist Do?

A counselling psychologist talking to her client

Counseling psychologists help people in terms of emotional and mental health and try to relieve them from distress and crises. They provide assessment, diagnosis, and remedy of more severe psychological indications and guides the patients to find out the most suitable pattern of treatment.

Counseling psychologists can carry a private practice or work in a hospital. Public health sectors also assign counseling psychologists to supervise the coordination of the services. They are appointed as counselors, teachers, supervisors in school, college, and university as well.

Many counseling psychologists engage themselves in mental health camps, family help campaigns, and rehabilitation centers.

How to Become a Counseling Psychologist?

A Counselling psychologist requires a bachelor's degree, then a Masters's and Ph.D. from an authorized Counselling psychology program. It takes four to six years to get a doctorate in Counseling psychology.

Counseling psychologist's training encompasses a one-year internship under a licensed practitioner. All psychologists must have a license provided by the state in which they will practice. Doctors, nurses, life coaches, and counselors fall into this category. Sincerely interested in social welfare and the well-being of patients, they work tirelessly. Working with individuals or groups, they develop paths to full fill life goals.

Facilitating personal progress, help improve insights and holistic improvement. Understand how to become a counseling psychologist through the different stages of education, training, and experience. Personal and interpersonal relationships are what human lives are all about.

A counseling psychologist works towards achieving a balance of physical, mental, and emotional health. Exploring causes of mental stress that is the chief problem, counselors work towards solving such issues. Starting at the high school level through undergraduate and graduate studies, look for courses that deal with psychology or applied psychology.

Counseling Psychology and Guidance and Counseling are some other subject or course names that target the same field. Social Work courses also equip students to take up counseling.

Changing lifestyles of Counseling Psychologists:

Changing lifestyles of Counseling Psychologists

Research and statistics indicate that the counseling profession is on a steady rise as compared to several other sectors. The truth is that society and technology, commerce, and development proceed at a rapid rate nowadays which means a counseling psychologist always tends to improve the skills.

In those good old days, the family and community elders knew everything by rendering advice to growing young professionals. Such is not the scenario today in a specialized world vibrantly on the move forward.

Qualities of a counselor:

As a result, counselors have developed competencies as educational counselors, substance abuse specialists, mental health experts, etc. Primarily, counselors must be dedicated to improving human lives. Counselors must feel empathy for patients. They must be good listeners and powerful communicators through media, speech, and writing.

Just like doctors and teachers, counselors need tons of patience to work successfully.

Salary of Counseling Psychologist in India:

As a beginner, a Counseling Psychologist’s salary in India is 30,000 Rs/-month. But it depends upon your experience and good knowledge in the field. The number of psychologists is increasing day by day but if you have many years of experience in this field, you can even 3x from a beginner. 

Counseling psychologist's salaries per year will increase according to their work.

In a professional world that has achieved excessive diversity, duties may overlap. An educational counselor specializes in the world of courses, qualifications, aptitudes and skills, career prospects, and opportunities. Yet, since the mind dominates everywhere, it is mental health that remains at the forefront. The study of the brain and its elaborate functions have reached a zenith now.

Psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapy, and mental health professionals have advanced cognitive Students and workers, senior executives, and business people are usually badly stressed with duties and competition. Are you looking for Counseling Psychologists in Delhi, then you should look at our team section. Either you need counseling or want to know more about jumping directly into it by choosing it as a career option

About Author
Isha Aggarwal

Isha Aggarwal

Nutritionist Noida, India
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    English, Hindi

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    Physical Health, Nutrition, Eating Disorders, Breast Feeding, Adolescent Counselling

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Isha Aggarwal

Isha Aggarwal

Nutritionist Noida, India

Area Of Expertise : Physical Health, Nutrition, Eating Disorders, Breast Feeding, Adolescent Counselling

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