Dr Abhishek Chugh is the Best Neuro Psychiatrist and sexologist in Rohtak. Specializes in all types of counseling, treating depression. Book Your Session
Dr Abhishek Chugh is a Certified NeuroPsychiatrist in Rohtak. He specializes in all types of counseling, and psychotherapy, treating depression, anxiety, panic, internet alcohol and drug addiction, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. He has been associated with various professional, social, and philanthropic organisations in different capabilities and continuing medical education initiatives. Dr. Abhishek Chug has a special interest in headaches, epilepsy, strokes, and movement disorders. He has very vast experience in neurophysiology such as electroencephalography, nerve conduction study, VEP, and BAER study. He is keen and an expert in NeuroPsychiatry, De-Addiction, and Sexology along with different psychiatry disorders. He has undergone advanced training in child and adult psychology, mood disorders, psychopharmacology, sex disorders, and addiction problems. He is one of the Top psychiatrists in Rohtak.