141 Profile Visits

Dr. Madhvi Awasthi

Clinical Psychologist, Mental Health Professional

Area Of Expertise : Child Counseling, Couple Counseling, Marital Counselling, Parenting, IQ Testing, Personality Test, Career Counselling, Adolescent Counselling, Psycho Therapies, OCD, Relationship Counselling, Anxiety

Language : English, Hindi


ADULT, ADOLECENTS, CHILDREN AND PARENTAL COUNSELLUNG PSYCHOLOGICAL PROBLEMS -DEPRESION, ANXIETY, PANIC ATTACK, OCD WOMEN WELFARE AND AWARNES AS SEXUAL HARASSMENT ON WORKPLACE SEXUALITY EDUCATION, STRESS & MENTAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT Dedicated to serving patients in a meaningful way, listening to their concerns, and helping them learn how to approach their mental, emotional, and behavioral problems. Excel at providing children and adolescents with individual psychotherapy to help them facilitate social, vocational, and personal adjustment to allow them to lead more meaningful and fulfilling lives. Excellent knowledge of psychology, therapies, and counselling to help provide patients with appropriate care for their individual situations. Knowledge of statistical and testing software for psychometric and career objectives DMIT and CIQT

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