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Priyanka Anakkathil

Speech Therapist

Area Of Expertise : Child Counseling, Adolescent Counselling, School Counsellings, Speech Problems

Language : English, Hindi, Kannada


Priyanka Anakkathil is a certified Speech Therapist who has good experience in Speech Therapy for people with neurogenic communication disorders, and speech disorders.

Priyanka Anakkathil is a certified Speech Therapist. She has held a good experience in Speech Therapy for people with neurogenic communication disorders, speech disorders, voice disorders, and auditory-verbal therapy. She also has clinical experience in Speech-Language Assessment. She provides a platform for parents to express their concerns about their child’s speech and language development. Parents will get one to one brainstorming on how to encourage and motivate their talk more. She has completed her MASLP, LSVT (for Parkinson's disease). She has 10 years of experience in her field. She has her been interest in developing early communication skills in babies/toddlers.

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